
Standard Commission

When you refer your family, friends and other community members to Leviticus trade global, you are entitled to 5% on every deposit made by your downline. For second level , you will receive 2% affiliate commission and for third level you will get 1% affiliate commission. You can reinvest your commission or withdraw at any time.

  • 5%  Level 1
  • 2%  Level 2
  • 1%  Level 3

Representative Commission

Becoming an official representative of Leviticus trade global investment platform brings you limitless business possibilities. For direct representatives you will get 7% representative commission. For second level representative you will get 2% representative commission , for third level representative you will get 1% representative commission.

  • 7%  Level 1
  • 2%  Level 2
  • 1%  Level 3